Carved beeches by the bridge
Beech trees are like elephants: one grey skin wraps the whole tree, and expands as the tree grows. This trio of trees is by the south end of the bridge (on the "Bridge trail"). Even if there were n...
Beech trees are like elephants: one grey skin wraps the whole tree, and expands as the tree grows. This trio of trees is by the south end of the bridge (on the "Bridge trail"). Even if there were n...
I learned from Tom Wessels that multi-trunk trees, like this one, result from the resprouting of a hardwood stump. The diameter of the original stump can be estimated by finding the center-points o...
Look for dramatic mature shagbark hickories along Laurel Brook Rd and at the beginning of the Wadsworth Park trail that enters from Laurel Brook Rd. As Michael Wojtech explains, every tree handles ...